Introduction to EduHub

The EduHub is the educational arm of the HeritageLab. 

We believe in our responsibility towards the community and that our skills should be shared with those who can benefit from them the most.  This section reflects our commitment to this mission statement through a series of articles written specifically for the HeritageLab EduHub by our core team of heritage professionals and art historians. Through our wide range of expertise, this section provides pedagogical tools for those interested in delving deeper into the fields of heritage documentation, community narratives, material culture, and museology, among others.

To demonstrate our commitment, these articles are freely available on our EduHub. 

The articles and guides that comprise EduHub provide scholars, students, and teachers with pedagogical tools that enable a smooth introduction to central topics in the field of heritage studies.

We add content to the EduHub on regular basis.

If you have any comments or would like to contribute an article to the EduHub archive, please get in touch with the project Editor and Lead Writer, Dr. Alia Soliman