Shipping Database

The Amsterdam Four-Master ‘De Hollandse Tuyn’ and Other Ships on their Return from Brazil under the Command of Paulus van Caerden, Hendrik Cornelisz Vroom, c. 1605 – c. 1640. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The database contains over 56 000 searchable records of Dutch voyages, dates, ship types, ports of departure, and origin as well as data about cargos and other maritime trade activities between 1595 and 1660. It can be used to explore how trade routes, port activities and ships changed over time and gives context to the changing maritime landscape of the Indian Ocean.

The Dutch Ships in Asian Waters searchable database contains records of the movements of 1767 ships between 1595 and 1687.

Search the database here.

Contributors: Robert Parthesius

Partners: CIE – Centre for International Heritage Activities, DHAKIRA – Center for Heritage Studies in the UAE, New York University of Abu Dhabi.